Monday, September 1, 2014


Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others.  Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.

-Philippians 2:3

I have been doing a lot of reflection lately regarding my interest in fitness and competing in general.  Competing can be quite a self-centered activity.  Competitors tend to become consumed and a bit selfish when it comes to perfecting their bodies.  A few weeks ago, I realized that I was becoming a bit more consumed with this lifestyle and my goals, so I decided to step back and analyze things a bit.  I was planning on competing in a national level show the weekend of August 28th.  I decided not to do so.  I had a lot of work on my plate and I did not feel like I was ready to bring my best package.  Additionally, I wanted to work out these issues I was having with competing.  

I kept thinking that I am too old to compete.  I mean, what business does a 41 year old mother have walking around in a bikini on stage?  The time I spend working out could be better spend working on my career or spending time with my child, shouldn't it?   And just when I was about to gracefully bow out, a couple opportunities came knocking at my door that would have never happened to me if I weren't into fitness.  Confirmation.  I now realize that God would not have blessed me with the ability to sculpt my body is such a way if I were not to use it in some way.   But, how does God want me to use my talents and abilities?  God wants me and you to use our abilities for serve him by helping others.  So, I will keep pressing on, blogging about my experiences, helping people with their diets and exercise and serving Him in any way I can though this platform.  And, I want to set an example for other women and my daughter that you can live the life you desire, if you just keep trying and never give up.   Even when things look bleak, keep pushing, never give up.  Get still and listen to Him.  God does speak to us, but if we have too much noise going on around us, we may miss his directions.  Pray for discernment to know the difference from God's direction and the ungodly.

I am a single mother and an attorney and I still find time to take care of my health.  People ask how I do it all.  Well, it is my job to show you.  I believe that God wants me to use my experiences for the benefit of others who may struggle as I once did.    Stay tuned . . . .

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